Farm Track Near Wheat Fields
oil on panel 14" x 18"
"The purpose of art is the gradual, lifelong construction
of a state of wonder and serenity."
Glenn Gould
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."
Thomas Merton
One writer called it "absorbedness" and maybe that is the perfect description of those moments when one's process eliminates awareness of time or self. Those feelings are addictive because the artist escapes from the abstract, man-made constructs that cause concern (measured and limited time and self-ish concerns) and enables an existence of almost childlike exploration and acute sensory awareness. When coupled with dedicated and focused practice and an understanding of appropriate method and material, this state of "absorbedness" is a powerful pathway. I've always thought the true measure af art may well be its ability to bring about the same experience for the viewer - something to be measured slowly. Enjoy!
"Far from being merely decorative, the artist's awareness is one of the few guardians the inherent sanity and equilibrium of the human spirit we have left."
Robert Motherwell