Monday, January 31, 2011

The Leaktight No. 8
  oil on panel  6" x 8"
This little tarnished metal bucket was rediscovered in the great studio clean out in the winter of 2010 / 2011. The thing that made me keep it was the stamped name in the bottom - 'Leaktight No.8'.
It was just a paint bucket but a paint bucket with swagger - so I painted it to immortalize the little bucket. Plus I'm a sucker for shiny metal. As I was working in my state of concentration I realized the orange reflection is me in my orange anorack standing before the subject.  The magic leaktight! Enjoy.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Old Fan
  oil on panel  6" x 8"
This fan is an old table top model,  probably from the 40s - it still works - and it weighs a ton. I don't know why I did this from the back angle - probably because of the small mass of forms. I don't like to examine the 'why' too much - its hard enough wrestling with the how and the why has to remain mysterious enough to power me through the difficulty. 
I guess that makes sense only to those who do this crazy thing called painting.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ball Jar 1
oil on panel  6" x 8"
We've got six inches of new snow and all the local schools are shut down and for the first time in thirty-two years all that means to me is it is a little tougher to walk over to the studio! A little celebration is in store with this little jar - I pushed to stay free and loose in technique while disciplined in ignoring the thing and seeing its essence. Easy to say, tough to do. 
PS it is great snow man snow - real sticky.

This painting may be purchased unframed for $125.
Please contact the artist for information. Thanks.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Leap of Faith
  oil on panel   6" x 8"
I tried to be a little looser, a little free with larger brushes - on a panel this small using larger brushes is a relative thing. I do love painting glass, I guess because it is the best example of what the process of painting requires - an absolute leap of faith - you have to suspend your preconceived knowledge of thing-nesss and allow yourself to experience the incredible complexity to be discovered in every day objects - trusting that the exploration of carefully seeing will bring your work closer to what is real. It is part physics; part chemistry; part spirit.

This painting may be purchased unframed for $125.
Please contact the artist for information.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Red Onion

Red Onion
oil on panel  6" x 8"

Still keeping to single subject, kinds re-learning my chops and shaking off the rust. Some reporter asked Rogers Hornsby once what he did during the winter. He answered, "I'll tell you what I do, I sit by the window and wait for spring."  I'm right there with him - but I'll take a day in the high 40s so I can get out and take a shot at making a painting.

This painting may be purchased unframed for $125.
Please contact the artist if interested.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Copper Pot
oil on panel  6" x 8"

Here's the first in what will officially be my painting a day exercise - the shoulder's feeling fine post surgery (the fine motor skill is a little shaky yet) - and I've finally got the studio squared away after sifting through & storing 32 years of teaching stuff - so it begins. I'll tell you that spending a couple of hours simply struggling to grab hold of space, light, and form is wonderfully rejeuvenating and maddening. Every time a relearning and toal absorbedness in the process is the challenge and the reward. Future postings will be plein air as weather permits but for now small objects found.

This painting can be purchased unframed for $125
please contact for further information.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Evening, Summer Solstice
oil on canvas   28" x 44"

This is one of three works I'll have in an exhibit at the George Washington University Loudoun Campus February 7 - March 25, 2011
at the GWU Science and Technology Campus in Ashburn, Virginia.

There will be an opening reception on Thursday, February 17, 
 6:00 to 8:30 pm.