Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Blue Baking Dish, Apples, and Knife
6" x 9
oil on panel
I'm including this painting now because of the knife. a week ago this morning I had rotator cuff surgery on my good (right) shoulder. Thus the knife.  This morning at the doctor's they told me I won't be back 100% for 12 months.   I'm not sure when I'll be able to paint anything, which is distressing (to say the least) but I'm thinking about maybe getting pastels out and working small things with my arm still in the sling for now. We'll see. (I've considered non dominant hand (left) knife paintings. Seems to be too desperate.   
One thing's for certain, it won't heal any faster if I sit around and mope - so watch this space for new works. Without the set-back I'd be burying this place with good stuff by now.